Sequilitis (Intro)
My body automatically wakes up at around 8:30 every single day, which is when I get up for work. But I don’t always have to get up then, so on the weekends or days off I usually just lay there for a bit, not even really still tired but just don’t want to get out of my bed yet and will often end up getting another 2 hours of sleep from 9–11ish.
During this time I invariably have the most vivid, bizarre dreams. They feel like my subconscious is attempting to chase me out of bed, knowing that this is not the proper time for sleep. I may not have to be at my desk but I could be doing any of my myriad chores or exercising or culturally enriching myself but I frankly just don’t want to even move. That tension I think is reflected in these dreams.
I’ve also heard from a friend who I generally trust that these “second wave” dreams may seem to have a different character because it becomes difficult for the subconscious to generate or sustain the images it wants to when there is light reaching the eyelids. The sensory data interferes with the subconscious visualization, apparently. Don’t know if I buy it, and installing black-out curtains didn’t seem to have an impact, but it’s interesting to think about. I drew a diagram in MS Paint of how I think it would look:
So I guess I’m going to write them down and see what that’s like. I’m starting a week vacation today and kicked it off with a doozy this morning that I honestly wanted to document just for like therapy purposes but I realized it reads okay and maybe there’s nothing that weird about a public dream journal so here it is.